Monday, May 10, 2010

"Life Is Like PhotoGraphy, We Develop From The Negatives"-Aurthur Unkown

Hiyah Hola. So StartinG this Wednesday me my mom and sis are going to start this liquid Diet called "The Lemonade Diet" Bum Bum Bum.=) You Can Learn More by clicking this link.... Yeah i really want to drop a couple pounds[Tehe] I Have Mad Cramps right now && Im Tired. I Still have to work on my WWII Assignment[Bleh] and Go to school and try to find time between my schedule to do more Physical Act. Anyways, I Was Googling around still havent found A Job Just yet I was looking at The Nikon D 3000 I So Want That Camera I Guess ill have to say for it. Well Thats iT For Now. Peace&&Nikes.XP

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Do You Believe In Karma?

LonG Time No BloGGinG.Lol XD. Ok so many people say they believe it and some say they dont. Heres my side on Karma or opinion or whatever lol. Yeah Karma the Golden rule what You Reap is Basically What You Sow. Karma's a Balance of positive and negative in ones life. Treat ppl as You Would Want To Be treated Because Karma is Only A B***h oF You Are. What comes around goes around. && iTs True. So Yeah Thats My Opinion On Karma.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My PowerRangers ShowCase For Polyvore.XD

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A ShowCase For PolyVore. My very 1st Not That Good.

The Top One Is The Original.XD
Yup I Made This.c(=